
Project Development

Veritas brings together client-focused development services and financial structuring. We build to your current program needs while keeping growth in mind. Whether we are developing land, a single-tenant, build-to-suit project, or a multi-tenant property, our emphasis is on what will best serve you and your clients.

Project Finance

If you choose to own your facilities, we can work with your lender or assist in the placement of the required financing and help provide a turnkey solution for your building. We can also develop a new building for you to purchase after construction completion, much like a homebuilder.

Optionally, we can bring financing to a transaction and provide a "build-to-suit" (made-to-order) facility, and our client becomes our tenant, by use of a lease agreement. We have extensive experience structuring leases. Our goal is to provide you with the facilities you need at a fair occupancy cost and a financial structure that meets your business requirements. By partnering with you, we can help manage your project cost through project cost management, lease structuring, and the use of creative financing tools. 

Design and Construction

We help you map out your objectives and design to the level that is appropriate for the projected use of the property. The Veritas team works with you to help ensure that your facility is not overbuilt or undersized for your business. We assemble and manage the architecture, engineering, and construction team that best fits your needs. Each facility requires a unique approach and we are careful to bring professionals with the specialized skills and experience suited for each project.


Whether buying, selling, or executing a lease, Veritas skillfully represents your interests with billions of dollars in real estate transaction experience. We take a holistic, developer’s approach to our brokerage business. For site selection, we combine geographic information systems and market analytics with physical site evaluations to find you the right property at the right price for your project. When listing property with potential for improvement, we help determine highest and best use from a development perspective and work to match the property with a motivated, well-qualified buyer. No matter the transaction type, we take a proactive approach to brokerage, guiding transactions from inception to close with the same care we give a development project.     


For our fee development projects, we take an open-book approach to development. We help bid and negotiate all aspects of construction costs with third-party contractors. These costs are passed through to the job without add-ons. The construction contracts are always fixed-cost contracts. All project costs, including development fees to Veritas, are open for you to review before the start of the project.

Explore some of our recent Projects.